Opioids like Heroine, Oxycodone, Percocet ,Morphine, Tranqdope change the brain chemistry over time. It also affects the body. This is why when you stop using the drug it causes severe mental, emotional and physical withdrawal.
Taking a weaker, legal Opioid in small doses helps produce physiological support during your journey to recovery.
Trade and illegal Drug for a Safe drug
Trade the unknown for the Known.
-Street drugs may be laced with other dangerous drugs. Buprenorphine and Naltrexone are FDA approved and monitored for purity.
Trade an unsocially acceptable medication to a socially acceptable medication.
-No one wants to be dependent on any medication however you now have a tool to use that would provide hope to friends and family members helping you with your journey.
To help you stop your addiction and lead a productive normal life how you see fit.
Keep this for the Home page . Change the picture to a brain in the Learn more section under Breakthrough
Trade an illegal drug that may be laced with a safe legal, socially accepted medication. MAT can be temporary or life long dependent on need.
Three main medication to use for medication assisted treatment methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone.
This practice uses buprenorphine and Naltrexone Unlike methadone you cannot get high and it’s very low risk for overdose.
The day you start the process for physical recovery. A script will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice.
– Induction follow up
You are now on the dose that cuts cravings and helps increase productivity.
Some people choose to continue to with medical therapy and others decide to taper off once they feel their cognitive therapy has been completed.